Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Radio, kameror, larm och liknande.
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Inlägg: 399
Blev medlem: 26 feb 2022 21:27

Re: Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Inlägg av Prepsson »

Lite off-topic men hade ingen aning om att de skickade ut program via radio som lyssnare spelade in på band och sen körde in i sina 8-bitarsmaskiner

Re: Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Inlägg av lupl »

Uniblock skrev: 23 apr 2022 17:56 Winlink ska fungera bra med Signalink USB, har sett några på youtube som använt den kombon.
Kan du länka?
Slänger snart skiten i sjön.
Jag har signalink usb, windowsdator, ic 706.
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 638
Blev medlem: 11 maj 2019 18:29
Ort: KP

Re: Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Inlägg av Jakob »

VarAC - kommunicationsklienten som använder VARA-HF (mm.).
VarAC is a FREE, modern HF P2P real-time chatting and emergency communication (EmComm) application for amateur radio operators, leveraging the VARA protocol.
VarAC is used by more than 60,000 amateur radio operators in over 100 countries.
CQ calls
Call CQ using the VARA protocol
"Is typing"
See if your partner is currently typing
Chat gestures
Having fun while chatting with sounds & emojis
RIG Control
Supporting CAT command, RTS/DTS & OmniRig
Frequency Monitor
Monitor the frequency for ongoing QSOs
Message queue
Type as many messages as you'd like
Realtime metrics
For best QSO performance monitoring
Automatic messages
Set preconfigured welcome & away messages
Canned messages
Create predefined messages (RIG, Info...)
500/2300Hz support
Select your desired QSO bandwidth
Let other people know you are on the frequency
No more typos. Spell check as you type
Send files & images
Supporting binary files, text, Images and more
Automatic QSY
Move QSO up or down with a single mouse click
Auto QSO logging
Supporting ADIF format and popular QSO loggers
Customized look
Chose the colors/fonts you like. Use dark mode.
Multilingual UI
Supporting over 10 languages
UI modes
Simple, Advanced or EmComm
Send and receive VarAC mails
Check link validity before a QSO
För bästa resultat rekommenderas VARA HF med betald licens. VARA HF kan också användas med Winlink.
CAT är sgs. ett måste.
Winter is coming
Non semper erit aestas.
3-3-3 Radio Plan
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 638
Blev medlem: 11 maj 2019 18:29
Ort: KP

Re: Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Inlägg av Jakob »
Free Data
FreeDATA is a versatile, open-source platform designed specifically for HF communications, leveraging Codec2 data modes for robust global digital communication. It features a network-based server-client architecture, a REST API, multi-platform compatibility, and a messaging system.

1. Open Source and Free: Release the project as open-source and make it freely available, fostering community contributions and ensuring accessibility.

2. FreeDATA Platform Utilizing Codec2 Data Waveforms: Develop FreeDATA as a versatile platform that leverages Codec2's data waveforms for robust digital communication across various data exchange scenarios, establishing a comprehensive solution for digital communications.

3. REST API for Easy Integration: Provide a RESTful API to allow seamless integration with other software, enabling the development of applications that can communicate through the FreeData system.

4. Multiplatform Compatibility: Ensure the software is compatible with desktop operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) and devices like Raspberry Pi, enhancing its usability in diverse environments.

5. Messaging System for Communication: Implement a messaging system that supports both real-time and delayed messaging to cater to different communication needs.

6. Community Engagement and Documentation: Build a strong community through clear documentation, tutorials, and forums, encouraging feedback and contributions to continuously improve the project.

7. Complementary to Existing Solutions: Acknowledge that FreeData is not intended to compete with existing solutions like VARA, ARDOP, and others. We respect their great work and aim to complement the digital communication ecosystem, not replace it.

8. HF Mesh Network for Backend-less Global Communication: Work towards creating an HF mesh network to enable backend-less global communication as a long-term task.
Finns för både linux och windows. Laddas ner på
Programmet består av två delar. Servern med mjukvarumodemet och GUI för användargränssnitt. Mjukvarumodemet kommer att kunna användas med andra applikationer också.
Winter is coming
Non semper erit aestas.
3-3-3 Radio Plan
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 11262
Blev medlem: 25 apr 2019 23:20
Ort: South of Heaven

Re: Digital kommunikation på kortvåg - program & utrustning

Inlägg av bastard »

ser intressant ut :up:
får ta en extra titt på det
kiss, keep it simple stupid
funderar om inte Thanos hadde rätt ändå
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